Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Chook Care

Marek's Disease:

One of our Favorelles chooks; Rita, had fallen sick within a week of her arriving. She lost a lot of weight and was very wobbly on her legs. After treating her for worms and Coccidia, her condition continued to deteriorate. 
Thanks to a Favorelles Club on Facebook, I found that her symptoms were common to Marek's Disease - a very common disease among chooks. Most cures deemed the outcome fatal or that they get through it somehow and can develop an immunity. However thanks to some further research, I found that some St Johns wort liquid drops in purified drinking water (no chlorine), over a week, helped Rita a great deal. The other chooks also has the treatment as they were bound to be susceptible to it. Rita's appetite progressively returned over the next weeks and she appears to be returning to normal health. Its an amazing turn around as she was very close to dying. A fantastic relief as she is such a pretty natured creature.